3D illus~ "Friendship"

Wahaha, i have already finished my 3D illus assignment!! Happy ^^

I use about 1 month to finished this assignment. This is a big project to me. From contents of story, characters design, drawing story board, take photos till animate, all the works i done by myself. Although this is a hard job, i felt very happy when i see the final output. \^o^/

I upload my final output at here to share with everyone. I also upload some photos at here, wish you will like them.

This is final output ^_^

Some Photos:

This is BoMo, made by paper clay. His hands and legs can move, because i use wire to link the body with hands and legs. This BoMo hasn't wore clothes yet.

After wore clothes........=^^=

This is Cloud. Made by cloth, wool and cotton.

This shoes i draw by myself.


  1. i like your animation, very cute.
    And the end of the music also very nice, what song is it?



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Meet The Author

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Just follow my dream ^^